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Sr.net Developer Resume

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Springfield, MA


  • Around 8 years of IT industry experience, involved in complete SDLC including requirement gathering, analysis, design, development, integration, testing, deployment, maintenance & performance tuning of business applications.
  • 自信的专业顾问,有很强的分析和解决问题的能力,在医疗保健领域有广泛的知识和工作经验, Retail and Communications Industry solutions development.
  • 熟悉软件开发生命周期,熟悉使用微软的Web、桌面应用程序 .NET.
  • 在信息学和商业领域的全球企业解决方案的各个方面与高技术和多样化的团队合作的经验.
  • 具备与各级管理人员有效沟通的能力. Experience in developing and driving the execution of programs, processes, planning, training, decision making, 并按时以最高质量完成项目交付.
  • Extensive knowledge and experience with designing, developing and testing of Business applications using Visual Studio .NET 2010/2008/2005, Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0/3.5/3.0, SQL Server 2008 and Informix.
  • Subject matter expert with Object Oriented Programming Concepts
  • 有使用WinForms, Visual c#, VB开发web和windows应用程序的丰富经验.NET, ASP.NET, ADO.NET.
  • Experience in latest cutting-edge technologies WCF, SCSF, MVC framework and profound knowledge in HTML, Jquery, and JavaScript Scripting Languages.
  • Strong knowledge of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), 质量保证生命周期(QALC)和缺陷管理生命周期方法.
  • Experience in developing Master Pages, different themes, CSS files and Class Libraries and encoding document using XML.
  • 有使用SQL Server Integration Services 2005 (SSIS)创建DTS导入/导出和ETL包的经验.
  • 使用Team Foundation Server (TFS), Visual Source Safe (VSS)的丰富经验.
  • Extensive working experience with ADO.. NET对象,如数据适配器、数据集和数据阅读器,以便与数据库交互.
  • 有编写SQL查询,存储过程,视图,函数和触发器的经验.
  • 有从表中提取XML数据和解码的经验.
  • Experience in developing Desktop Applications in Visual Basic 6.0 and migration from VB to VB.Net.
  • Extensive experience in Software Quality Engineering, 使用QTP对基于Web和客户机-服务器应用程序执行手动和自动测试.


Programming Languages: C#, VB.NET, VB 6.0, C, PL/SQL

Operating Systems: Windows 7/2008/XP/2003/2000, UNIX, Windows CEWindows Mobile 6

Framework: Microsoft .NET Frame Work 4.0/3.5/3.0, MVC 4.0/3.0

Microsoft Technologies: ASP.NET, ADO.NET, MVC 4.0

Scripting languages: HTML, XML, JavaScript, Jquery

Databases: SQL Server 2010/2008/2005, ADO.NET, Oracle 9i/10g/11g

Development Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio 2010/2008/2005

Version Control: Visual Source Safe, Team Foundation Server

Methodologies & Testing Tools: UML diagrams, HP Quick Test ProfessionalAgile/Scrum

Devices: Motorola 3190, Motorola 3190Z



Sr.NET Developer


  • Working with design team to analyse the Requirements, creating Design documents and Technical Definition Documentation
  • Prepared UML diagrams and specifications using MS Visio.
  • 使用Asp开发了各种web表单,用于捕获、检索和操作数据.net and C#.
  • 创建数据库结构并分配适当的约束和索引.
  • Involved in creation of .. NET服务使用WCF,并使用AJAX远程消费服务.
  • Designed and developed UI components, implemented event handling using C#, DHTML, JQuery, 和AJAX,还致力于CSS,以获得一致的外观和感觉的网站.
  • 使用Visual Studio 2010, AJAX, HTML, JavaScript, Telerik RadControls创建U/I.
  • Used ADO.实体框架广泛用于检索、查询和操作数据库中的数据
  • Extensively used Data Adapters and LINQ features.
  • Used Controllers and Models to design whole solution.
  • Used LINQ to XML to transform XML data into .Net objects and processed the request
  • 在SQL Server 2008中编写查询,存储过程,函数,触发器
  • 实现了安全认证和授权规则.
  • Worked on creating messages for interacting with the web services.
  • Assist in unit testing the application and resolving issues in QA, Integration and Production environment.
  • Coded triggers and stored procedures following SQL Tuning.
  • Park of the Production Support team to fix the issues.
  • 使用SSRS开发报告,准备文档并提供最终用户支持.

Environment: Visual Studio 2010, .NET Framework 4.0, IIS, SQL Server 2008 R2, WCF, SOAP, MS Visio, Business Intelligence Development Studio, MS SQL Server Management Studio, MS Source Safe, ADO.NET, Windows Server 2008, HTML, XML, JavaScript, AJAX.

Confidential, Durham, NC

Sr.NET Developer


  • Involved in all phases of Application development.
  • Worked with design team to analyze the Requirements, creating Design documents and Technical Definition Documentation.
  • Developed WCF Services using C# .Net and applications using asp.net, telerik controls.
  • Developed web services for obtaining conversions.
  • 用于从多个表中提取数据的连接和子查询概念.
  • Developed reusable custom code using C#.Net for data transformation and report generation.
  • Integrated Web service with the Client application.
  • Used third party tool to zip all the documents involved
  • 开发了用于自动化MS Outlook功能的windows应用程序
  • 在使用MVC开发web应用程序作为Widgets方面发挥了主要作用, Jquery, JavaScript, and Ajax.
  • Wrote queries, stored procedures, functions, triggers
  • Defined the Table Structures, Writing Queries, Stored Procedures, Functions and Triggers on the SQL Server 2008 Database tables
  • Reported design and end user support
  • Used LINQ to XML to transform XML data into .Net objects and processed the request.
  • Implemented CSS files for controls used in the application.
  • Cross Browser UI compatibility implementation with style classes.
  • Responsible for the timely completion of issues, requirements implementation and delivery schedule adherence
  • 对离岸团队进行功能和技术培训,包括分配任务.
  • Deployed code in QA and Integration environments.
  • Assisted in unit testing the application and resolving issues in QA, Integration and Production environment.

Environment: Visual Studio 2008, .NET Framework 3.5, VB6, IIS, SQL Server 2005, MS Visio, MS SQL Server Management Studio, Business Intelligence Development Studio, MS Source Safe, ADO.NET, Windows Server 2000, HTML, XML, JavaScript, AJAX

Confidential, Springfield, MA

Sr .NET Developer


  • 协助开发技术定义、技术规范和SDLC文件.
  • 使用复杂的数学算法对产品进行质量检测并报告结果.
  • 使用Windows应用程序,使用API提供的Excel表格进行自动化计算
  • Used MS Project to track the progress of the project
  • 开发了基于有效数字四舍五入结果的web服务
  • 为自动计算创建了多个触发器、函数和存储过程
  • 在使用数据集和数据表以及从数据库获取数据的应用程序的业务逻辑开发中发挥了关键作用.
  • Defined the Table Structures, Writing Queries, Stored Procedures, Functions and Triggers on the SQL Server 2008 Database.
  • Involved in development of the .NET Components for enforcing the business rules.
  • 设计了三层架构,包括UI、业务层和数据访问层.
  • 实现了安全认证和授权规则.
  • Used Validation controls like required field Validator, Range Validator, Regular expression Validator, Compare Validator to validate the user's inputs
  • 开发测试计划,单元测试用例和单元测试应用程序.
  • Part of SIT and UAT for Bug Fixing and troubleshooting the issues.
  • 协助配置实验室设备,将数据导出为excel文件.

Environment: Environment: Visual Studio 2008, .NET Framework 3.5, IIS, SQL Server 2005, MS Visio, MS SQL Server Management Studio, Business Intelligence Development Studio, MS Source Safe, ADO.NET, Windows Server 2000, HTML, XML, JavaScript, AJAX.

Confidential - Sunnyvale, CA

Sr .NET Developer


  • 参与SDLC文档,开发和应用程序的单元测试.
  • Involved Database Access Layer using ADO.NET classes for accessing the Database.
  • Involved in development of the .NET Components for enforcing the business rules.
  • Developed the Application using C#.Net and Oracle as the Backend.
  • Performed Version control using IBM Clear Case.
  • Defined Table Structures, Writing Queries, Stored Procedures, Functions and Triggers in Oracle 10g database.
  • Used ASP.Net for the front end User Interface and ADO.Net for the database connections development.
  • Used Validation controls like required field Validator, Range Validator, Regular expression Validator, Compare Validator to validate the user's inputs.
  • WCF is used for communication between the UI and Services.
  • Used MVC Framework for part of the application.
  • 使用Teradata作为数据源,使用Teradata SQL Assistant检索数据.
  • Implemented CSS files for controls used in the application.
  • 完成了跨浏览器UI兼容的样式类实现.
  • Involved in development of Test Cases for Unit Testing.
  • 对一些主要问题进行根本原因分析,并在SIT中提供广泛的支持, UAT and PILOT Testing.
  • Implemented CSS files for controls used in the application.
  • Used HP Quality Center for Bug Tracking.
  • Interacted with clients in Maintenance phase of the Project, Involved in Documenting the Enhancements.
  • Involved in Deploying the Project on the Production Environment.
  • Played a major role in the support phase of the project.
  • Designed Reports using SSRS.

Environment: .NETFramework 3.5, C#, ASP.NET, ADO.NET, VB6, MVC Framework 3.0, WCF, WPF, MS Visual Studio 2010/2008, Clear Case, Agile/Scrum, Web Services, SSRS, Teradata, Oracle 10g, Oracle SQL Developer, HP Quality Center.


.NET Developer


  • Involved in requirements analysis, High Level and Detailed Design, Coding, Creation of Unit Test Plans, Code reviews and Integration testing.
  • 与所有业务客户紧密合作,通过参与会议/流程访谈收集和分析所有必要的需求,并确定有效使用技术来满足他们的业务需求.
  • 使用面向对象方法实现类和模块,广泛使用设计模式.
  • Used HTML and CSS to develop and design dynamic pages. Used C#, ASP.NET for the code behind for the UI, ADO.NET for interacting with databases.
  • Extensively used SQL Data adapter objects, Dataset, 数据表对象,用于使用ADO操作SQL数据源中的数据 .NET.
  • Created Sql tables, SQL server Management Studio 2008中应用程序所需的视图和存储过程.
  • 将Xml字符串转换为Xml文档,并将缺失的默认值附加到每个记录.
  • 将Xml Document转换为对象列表,并根据对象类型将其保存在相应的表中.
  • Extensively involved in development of Test cases. Deployed the application on DEV and SIT environment.

Environment: .NETFramework 3.5, C#, ASP.NET, ADO.NET, SCSF, WCF, WPF, AJAX, JQuery, MS Visual Studio.. NET 2008, TFS, Informix, SQL server 2008, Windows XP, Shell Scripts, HP质量中心,UNIX.


.NET & SQL Developer


  • Involved in Design and Development of ASP.Net web Forms.
  • 使用面向对象方法实现类和模块,广泛使用设计模式.
  • Played a key role in developing critical modules of the project.
  • Used VSS as a version control.
  • Used Data Sets and Data Adapters for communication with Database.
  • Created Sql tables, SQL server Management Studio 2008中应用程序所需的视图和存储过程.
  • 参与为项目的关键模块和代码修复创建测试用例.

Environment: .NETFramework 3.0, C#, ASP.NET, ADO.NET, MS Visual Studio.NET 2008, VSS, SQL server 2008, Windows XP.

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